Conference Program

The 2023 IIAR Natural Refrigeration Conference & Expo will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center from March 12-15, 2023. PDH credits will be available to claim via the IIAR App |Hub and Space. The points will be awarded when you enter a code into the PDH Manager upon completion of the program.

Check out the full schedule for the conference. During the conference, make sure to download the IIAR App that will have the latest conference schedule. 

Sunday Education Program

Date: Sunday, March 12, 2023, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Presenters: Josiah Royer (Colonial Webb) | Dave Crement (RVS) |Doug Reindl and/or Todd Jekel (Univ of WI/IRC ) |Bent Wiencke (Chill On)

There are a number of factors that influence the design of vessels:  capacity, storage, surge, nozzle connections, liquid/vapor separation, baffling and etc.  And then there are the factors that drive the actual construction…material thickness, standard sheet sizes, head formation, nozzle reinforcement, all driven by the design temperature and MAWP.  When specifying vessels, heat treatment is essential for some heads, and is sometimes a good idea for the entire vessel.  Where corrosion is a possibility, corrosion mitigation or a corrosion allowance is a necessity.  After fabrication, labeling, testing, and certification must be compliant with ASME Rules and listing in the NBIC is essential. Records must also be updated when vessels are repaired, re-rated for temperature and pressure, or modified. READ MORE  

Technical Papers

(Spanish) Integridad Mecánica en Evaporadores de Refrigeración
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 1:45 PM - 2:35 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM
Presenter: Gabriel Gutierrez, Colmac Coil Manufacturing

Los propietarios y los responsables de los sistemas de refrigeración deben realizar periódicamente inspecciones de integridad mecánica para asegurar la confiabilidad de la unidad y minimizar el riesgo de una accidental fuga de amoniaco. En esta presentación se enumeran algunos de los problemas más comunes que debe buscar cuando realiza una típica inspección mecánica en un evaporador.

Cybersecurity in Automated Industrial Systems
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 1:45 PM - 2:35 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 20231:10 PM - 2:00 PM
Presenter: Josh Symonds, CrossnoKaye

Automation and Internet control of facilities are becoming commonplace in the industrial sector; plants and grids that previously required manual oversight and teams of skilled engineers can now be controlled from hundreds of miles away by individuals or even automated systems. The benefits of automation and control are massive, and the industrial space is quickly moving to adopt them. However, there is a downside to ease of access and control–a threat that bad actors will suborn industrial facilities and the processes used to control them, just as they do other Internet-connected applications. Classes of attacks that were formerly exclusively the purview of Internet applications like Facebook or Twitter could become commonplace to our industrial infrastructure; ransomware attacks on oil processing facilities, spear phishing on operators of electrical grids, and malware on industrial computer systems are some examples of the risks associated with this transformation that have already occurred to multi-billion dollar companies in the industrial sector.

The Cost of Non-Compliance: An Objective Analysis of Federal EPA’s Enforcement at Ammonia Facilities
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 2:40 PM - 3:30 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 2:05 PM - 2:55 PM
Presenter: Uriah Donaldson, Resource Compliance

Using publicly available records of over 450 independent inspection reports dating from 2006through 2021, this paper seeks to objectively analyze Federal EPA’s enforcement of ammonia refrigeration facilities across America. This paper is divided into two primary sections: Section one (1) performs a historical review of the Federal EPA’s formation, jurisdiction, and applicable regulations to ammonia facilities. Section two (2) performs an analysis of the inspection reports, detailing trends in common findings, differences in the types of settlement agreements, and fines.

Ammonia Central Stage DX System: Firsthand Experience
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 2:40 PM - 3:30 PM
Presenter: Finn Dresen, Kältetechnik Dresen + Bremen GmbH

The paper is review design experience, construction issues, and energy consumption comparison to pump system in a direct expansion system.

(Spanish) Válvulas de seguridad: una revisión desde las bases hasta los estándares  y normas aplicables
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 2:40 PM - 3:30 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 2:05 PM - 2:55 PM
Presenter: Juan Carlos Noriega Vargas, Danfoss

El trabajo del ingeniero proyectista es diseñar sistemas eficientes que satisfagan la necesidad frigorífica del usuario final. Sin embargo, debe considerarse también cuidar la seguridad, es un reto tener instalaciones más seguras tanto para los operadores, como para el medio ambiente y los productos. Actualmente, los usuarios se informan cada vez más y se ha vuelto tendencia hablar de seguridad en las instalaciones, por lo que son ellos, los primeramente interesados en buscar medios que garanticen este rubro. Es objeto de esta ponencia hablar sobre uno de los elementos presentes en los sistemas de refrigeración y cuya función primordial es ayudar en mantener la seguridad e integridad mecánica del sistema, estos son los denominados dispositivos de relevo de presión (DRP). A pesar de esta función tan importante, muchas veces la selección, diseño, instalación, uso, legislación y operaciones de mantenimiento son escasamente conocidas, bien sea por la falta de información o por la falta de interés en ellos. Dentro de esta ponencia se hablará sobre cada una de estas etapas y su importancia para el adecuado funcionamiento de las válvulas de seguridad, que son ampliamente usadas como un DRP en los sistemas de refrigeración con amoniaco.
Performance Analysis of CO2 Heat Pump Modes for Refrigeration Systems: A Case Study
Monday, March 13, 2023, 2:40 PM - 3:30 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM
Presenters: Will Slope, Air Treatment Corporation and Frédérick Lavallée-Trubiano, Carnot Refrigeration

Transcritical CO2 heat pumps are emerging as a viable alternative to synthetic air or water source heat pumps. They present an opportunity for electrification while eliminating the use of high GWP refrigerants. The purpose of this technical paper is to assess the coefficient of performance of CO2heat pumps at varying supply and return temperatures. A theoretical maximum efficiency will be established and then compared to actual operating efficiencies of installed systems. The installed systems measured will have variable saturated suction temperatures and ambient conditions. This paper will conclude with a recommended design temperature range for heating or potable hot water.

(Spanish) Ecuaciones simples para determinación del caudal másico en sistemas de refrigeración (Presentation in Spanish)

Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 3:25 PM - 4:15 PM
Presenter: Mauricio Quiroga, Quiroga Engineering

The goal of any industrial refrigeration system is to remove heat. Therefore, the total heat load is the design engineer’s first calculation, which is then used to size and select the evaporators. Unfortunately, this heat load is often also applied to the sizing of other components in the system, which can result in errors. However, heat load should only be used to size components that exchange heat .This paper introduces a methodology and develops simple equations for determining mass flows in industrial refrigeration systems. The proposed methodology involves the mass balance technique, which assumes a steady-state condition in which the sum of the mass flows into a machine or system equals the sum of the mass flows out. The mass balance technique can help quantify mass flows that may be difficult to calculate using other methods. The mass flow equations apply to any refrigerant in a typical vapor compression cycle. Modern industrial refrigeration systems often employ multiple temperature and pressure levels to maintain various conditions in processing and storage facilities. Mass balances enable the accurate sizing of various pieces of equipment, and this technique can reveal strategies for saving energy and initial cost.

Carbon Dioxide System Relief Sizing 
Monday, March 13, 2023, 4:55 PM - 5:45 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 4:20 PM - 5:10 PM
Presenter: William Greulich; Kensington Consulting

Worldwide refrigeration system safety standards require placement of at least one overpressure protection device on all carbon dioxide (R-744) refrigeration systems as well as placement of overpressure protection devices required for vessels manufactured in accordance with American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME B&PV)Section VIII Division I, or the regional equivalent1,2. The standards contain equations for determining the required discharge capacity due to external heating for common pressurized system components in the form of a constant times various areas, either projected or actual, specific to the equipment type. The constant in the equations, f, is based on assumptions of continuous, constant external radiative heating, two phases in equilibrium at the relieving pressure allowing for boiling, and ideal gas behavior in order to convert the boiling mass flow to standard air flow. In practice, many carbon dioxide refrigeration systems discharge under non-ideal conditions such as in the supercritical region or under two phase conditions. Therefore, the underlying assumptions of the current standards are not applicable to conditions anticipated for many, if not most, carbon dioxide refrigeration systems. This study presents an overview with worked examples of a rigorous two-step, isobaric-isentropic calculation method, commonly known as the homogenous direct integration (HDI) method, used to determine the overpressure protection device maximum flow area for any carbon dioxide relieving condition expected in refrigeration service.

Hot Gas Bypass Defrost
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 4:55 PM - 5:45 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 4:20 PM - 5:10 PM
Presenter: Félix Sanz; AEFYT Spain

This paper analyzes one of the different systems to melt the accumulated ice in the evaporators. It is the so-called hot gas defrost method, making the gas dizzy. The work tries to limit the operating conditions during the hot gas bypass defrost process. It tries to improve the couplings between components and reduce investment and maintenance costs. This system is only valid in 1: 1 systems (1/2 evaporators and 1 compressor).It is important to be aware of precautions, such as avoiding liquid return to the compressor, avoiding the mixing of vapor or hot liquids with cold liquids, reducing the phenomena of implosion and vapor collapse, avoiding pressure surges due to dragging of the liquid when opening solenoid valves in steam lines when they are subjected to a large differential pressure, as well as avoiding the expansion of liquid in the suction line. If this is done correctly, very short, efficient, and safe defrosts can be achieved. The main advantage over electric defrost is that it acts directly at the same points where ice is accumulated, since the hot gas follows the same path as the refrigerant when it evaporates. This makes it more effective than electric defrost, consuming less energy. The generation of the pressure drop in the defrost cycle when vapor goes into the evaporator is the most important part for correct operation. Hot gas bypass defrost, although it is not an energetically optimal solution, it is valid and provides fast and economic defrosts. Only the precaution of a correct selection of the components used is sufficient for a correct and trouble-free operation.

(Spanish) Stratum Coca Cola, Primer Proyecto Industrial en Costa Rica con Expansión directa en baja temperatura, con baja cantidad de amoníaco y alta eficiencia
Date: Monday, March 13, 2022, 4:55 PM - 5:45 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 4:20 PM - 5:10 PM
Presenters: Lisandro Salas Mora (RSF Costa Rica) and Mario Mora Carli (FrigoConsult and University of Costa Rica)

Con la relevancia actual de los refrigerantes naturales, se hace indispensable el diseño y construcción de plantas industriales con refrigerantes naturales de alta eficiencia tales como el amoníaco de una forma segura, por lo que junto con el cumplimiento de las normas de IIAR en seguridad se deben desarrollar proyectos de refrigeración con baja cantidad de amoníaco. Criterio usado para el diseño y construcción de la planta de Coca Cola Inter American en Costa Rica localizada en Guanacaste. Desde Costa Rica se suple el concentrado a Centroamérica, Caribe, Chile, México, Brasil y Argentina para la producción de Coca-Cola y de otras 89 bebidas propiedad de la Compañía Coca-Cola. Se Trata de una de las plantas más modernas, tecnológicas y automatizadas de la marca en el mundo. A nivel de refrigeración la planta tiene una capacidad instalada de 750.0 TR para aire acondicionado y climatización de planta, 150.0 TR de sistemas de agua fría para proceso y 208.0 TR en sistemas de almacenamiento refrigerado y congelado. Mediante un ajuste en el diseño original del sistema de refrigeración y el uso de expansión directa en baja temperatura se mejoró la eficiencia del sistema y se disminuyó drásticamente la cantidad de amoníaco necesario. 

(Spanish) Cómo Conducir un Análisis PHA
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 4:55 PM - 5:45 PM & Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 4:20 PM - 5:10 PM
Presenter: Juan Carlos Zeledón, Cargill Nicaragua

El Análisis de Peligros del Proceso (PHA) es uno de los principales elementos del Process Safety Management (PSM) regulado por Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), para ayudar a garantizar lugares de trabajo seguros donde se utilizan sustancias químicas altamente peligrosas (29 CFR 1910.119). Este papel técnico provee de una guía para elaborar los análisis de riesgo para sistemas de refrigeración por amoniaco. Esta información será útil para lideres que conducen análisis de riesgo porque les permitirá organizar y dirigir el PHA, reconocer los requisitos, identificar los peligros en el proceso y preparar recomendaciones a fin de reducir o eliminar los riesgos relacionados a la operación de los equipos como, compresores, evaporadores, condensadores, recipientes a presión, entre otros, además, se toma en cuenta el factor humano y lo relacionado a la ubicación de las instalaciones, de tal manera que los participantes descubran las técnicas que ayudan a garantizar un estudio exitoso. 

Ammonia Central Stage DX System: Firsthand Experience
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 2:05 PM - 2:55 PM
Presenter: Finn Dresen, Kältetechnik Dresen + Bremen GmbH

The paper is review design experience, construction issues, and energy consumption comparison to pump system in a direct expansion system.



Solving the Technician Shortage (NASRC)
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 1:45 PM - 2:35 PM
Presenters: Danielle Wright, Bryan Beitler, NASRC, and Darrow Soares, Mt. San Antonio College

The service workforce is critical to successfully navigating new regulations and changing refrigeration industry landscape. Yet the lack of new technicians entering the refrigeration trade combined with retirement and burnout have created a significant labor gap. This session will review the results of NASRC's recent technician workforce assessment, explore key challenges, and strategies to strengthen workforce recruiting, training, and retention.

Dangers of Refrigerant Leaks in Secondary Cooling Loops
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 1:45 PM - 2:35 PM
Presenters: Travis Townsend and Mark Malagon

This presentation will shed light on an overlooked problem that does not regularly occur, but when it does occur can have fatal consequences. This problem was the cause of 3 fatalities at a rink in Fernie, British Columbia. As the owner of a contracting company, we have trained our employees in these situations but plant operators and especially ice rink operators do not know the steps to take to prevent a hazardous situation. Most contractors install these secondary loops without any pressure relief device around a valve that can be closed on the secondary loop. If a refrigerant leak occurs (as it did in Fernie, BC) this valve can be closed and allow pressure to build in the secondary loop. These systems are not designed for the pressures of refrigerant and closing this valve will stop an ammonia leak but then allow pressure to build in the loop. Mark and I have a solution that starts with the installing contractor and ends with making technicians and operators aware of this situation. 

Our presentation will begin with the work safety video of the Fernie incident. We show this to all of our team yearly who is HAZMAT trained and will pause at certain points to discuss our topic. We will then move on to how to prevent this and discuss the code in IIAR that is a bit vague. The goal is to educate people and start a discussion between contractors, end users, and compliance companies.

Efficiency in Large Refrigerated Facilities for Perishable Foods
 Monday, March 13, 2023, 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Presenter: Henry B. Bonar, II; BONAR Engineering, Inc.


Next Generation CO2 Pumps
Monday, March 13, 2023, 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Presenter: Monika Witt; TH. Witt Kältemaschinenfabrik, GmbH

Pumped refrigeration systems represent an easy-to-control way to supply multiple evaporators with the needed amount of liquid refrigerant over long distances. Meanwhile, evaporating refrigerants require less pump energy – when compared to systems with pumped secondary refrigerants (such as brines), which makes it very efficient. Cooling temperature maintains stable as long as the refrigerant is evaporating, so product quality is better. This technical paper will deal with the general requirements of a pumped system: explaining the NPSH requirement; the required overflow rates for various applications; and considerations that should be used when selecting the right pump – where operating conditions change throughout the day. This paper will discuss the pros and cons of pumped systems. Furthermore, it will examine and explain the selection criteria of refrigerant pumps and answer why it is so important to consider multiple variables, not just the selection point. This paper will also highlight the differences between ammonia as a refrigerant and carbon dioxide – and the resulting consequences regarding safety, reliability and operating needs. Finally, lessons learned from first-generation CO2 pumps will be presented and future demands and needs of the industry will be outlined and discussed. 

Diversity and Inclusion in Natural Refrigeration: A Women in Natural Refrigeration Workshop
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 3:25 PM - 4:15 PM
Presenters: Melissa Cassell, GR Refrigeration, WiNR Chair, RETA Board,  Monika Witt, TH. Witt Kältemaschinenfabrik, GmbH,  Tania Herrera, Guntner US LLC, Coleen Keyworth, President International Network of Women in Cooling (INWIC),  Kenny Williams, Past President RETA,  Claudia Sanchez, Executive Director, ACAIRE Colombia

Women in Natural Refrigeration (WiNR) is a RETA program dedicated to improving the careers of women in natural refrigeration, engineering and skilled trades.  In its objectives, WiNR seeks to encourage and highlight individuals to succeed through networking, mentoring, and education; and to enhance the industry’s ability to recruit, develop, inspire, advocate for, and empower women.  This workshop will consist of two sections.  The first part will focus on a panel discussion (time below) by key leaders in the industry and their professional experiences that have shaped their careers.  This workshop is the second part and will consist of a presentation of the Women in Cooling Worldwide Survey and group discussions.

(Spanish) Gestión de Refrigerantes Hidrocarburos
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 3:25 PM - 4:15 PM
Presenter: Gildardo Yañez, Bohn

Este workshop se compone de una base de conocimientos específicos destinados a técnicos en refrigeración y de aire acondicionado. Durante el desarrollo del workshop se expondrán las características de los refrigerantes hidrocarburos y el ámbito de aplicación de cada uno de ellos en sistemas de refrigeración y aire acondicionado. Todo esto, teniendo en cuenta las medidas de seguridad obligatorias que se deben seguir al manipular estos refrigerantes. Incluye los métodos aprobados para la recuperación de refrigerantes hidrocarburos, cambio de compresores y el proceso de carga en los sistemas de refrigeración y aire acondicionado.

CO2 System Add-Ons: Calculations and Field Measurements
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 4:20 PM - 5:10 PM
Presenter: Giacomo Pisano, Dorin

The typical flash gas bypass (FGB) solution represents the simplest CO2 system configuration and suffers severe energy efficiency penalties with higher heat sink temperatures, this leading to unfavorable yearly energy efficiencies at warmer latitudes.  This paper provides a detailed description of various CO2 systems: starting from FGB configuration, in-depth energy efficiency analysis is provided, including job site field experience. Then, several FGB add-ons are described, including parallel compression, adiabatic cooling and ejector technology: each add-on contribution is analyzed with calculation and field measurements. Furthermore, CO2 system integration is described, showing how heat recovery and air-conditioning can be embodied into the same refrigeration unit, thus making any specific building completely self-sufficient from an energy stand point: in fact, the same CO2 system is able to provide low temperature and medium temperature duties, together with sanitary hot water, comfort cooling during summer and heating during winter. Again, this integration is analyzed from a theoretical standpoint and then concrete examples with field measurements are shown.  As a result, this paper shows that enhanced and integrated CO2 systems are able to significantly improve yearly energy figures when compared to FGB solution, making CO2 an interesting option in various industrial refrigeration domains.


Research Panel (Double Session)
Panelists: William Greulich, Bent Wiencke, et al
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 1:45 PM - 2:35 PM

IIAR Efforts Regarding AIM Act and Impact on End (DOUBLE SESSION)
Panelists: Miguel Garrido, Guntner; Mark Stencel, Bassett Mechanical; et al
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023, 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM

Regulatory Panel (TRIPLE SESSION)
Panelists: Peter Thomas (Resource Compliance); Lowell Randle (GCCA);  Michael Boyle (Cal-OSHA); Dennis Karidis (CalARP); Drew Hart (E&J Gallo)
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 1:10 PM - 4:15 PM

Diversity and Inclusion in Natural Refrigeration: A Women in Natural Refrigeration Workshop - Part 1
Panelists: Melissa Cassell, General Refrigeration / WiNR Committee Chair, RETA Board Member; Monika Witt, TH. Witt Kältemaschinenfabrik, GmbH; Tania Herrera, Guntner; Colleen Keyworth, International Network of Women in Cooling (INWIC) President; Kenny Williams, Past President RETA; Lee Pyle, SCS Engineers 
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 2:05 PM - 2:55 PM

Women in Natural Refrigeration (WiNR) is a RETA program dedicated to improving the careers of women in natural refrigeration, engineering and skilled trades.  In its objectives, WiNR seeks to encourage and highlight individuals to succeed through networking, mentoring, and education; and to enhance the industry’s ability to recruit, develop, inspire, advocate for, and empower women.  This workshop will consist of two sections.  This Panel is the first part and will focus on a panel discussion by key leaders in the industry and their professional experiences that have shaped their careers.  The second part (above) will consist of a presentation of the Women in Cooling Worldwide Survey and group discussions.