IIAR Committee Bylaws

Approved by IIAR BOD on October 5, 2017

COMMITTEE CHAIRS are voting members of the committee they serve. They are responsible for establishing committee meeting dates and time, calling the meetings to order, presiding over the meetings, and representing their committee in the activities of IIAR. The Recording Secretary will chair the meetings in the Chair’s absence. Additionally, Committee Chairs are also ex-officio members of the Board of Directors without the right to vote (unless they are also members of the Board of Directors). They are expected to attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, give committee reports, and participate in the general discussion of the Board.

Recording Secretary - The Committee Chair shall appoint one voting member to serve as a Recording Secretary for the committee. The duties of the Recording Secretary are to maintain a written record of the committee activities and chair the meetings in the absence of the Chair.

Eligibility - Committee Chairs should have served at least one full year as a Voting Member in order to be eligible for appointment to the position of Committee Chair.

Term - The Chair is appointed for a 3-year term, except the Standards Committee Chair’s term shall be 5 years. An individual may serve two consecutive terms. The time of service spent as a Voting Member of a committee will not affect the term of committee Chair.

Appointment - Committee Chairs are appointed by the IIAR Chair one year prior to a known vacancy, the IIAR Chair will select a Committee Chair-Elect. It is understood that the Chair- Elect will be appointed Committee Chair one year hence.

VOTING MEMBERS are interested in doing the committee's work, participating in meetings, participating in discussions, serving on a task force, and are otherwise active in the proceedings of the committee. A Voting Member of a committee is eligible to cast a vote on all issues and motions that come before the committee.

Eligibility - In order to be eligible to serve as a Voting Member of a committee, a person must have served that committee as a Corresponding Member for a minimum of one year. A voting member must be a Regular or Associate member of IIAR.

Term & Limits - A Voting Member's term is 3 years. An individual may serve two consecutive terms, except that a Standards Committee voting member’s term is a single 4-year term. A standing committee will have a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 16 Voting Members.

Appointment - Voting Members are approved by the Executive Committee upon recommendation by the Committee Chair. Balance between the various IIAR member categories should be maintained whenever practicable. The membership of the Standards Committee shall be balanced according to the Standards Committee Procedures.

CORRESPONDING MEMBERS are persons who, to various degrees, are interested in the work of the committee. They may or may not choose to actively participate in meetings, discussions, committee task force service, or other proceedings of the committee. The corresponding committee members have no vote on issues brought before the full committee
Eligibility – There are no eligibility requirements other than an interest in the work of the committee. A Corresponding Member does not need to be a member of IIAR. (Exception: Corresponding Members of the Standards Committee must be members of IIAR.)

Term & Limits - A Corresponding Member has no set term and no limit to their terms. There is no limit to the number of Corresponding Members on a committee.

 Appointment - No appointment is required. An individual may join a committee by making a written request to the Committee Chair expressing his/her interest in becoming a Corresponding Member. It is the responsibility of the Committee Chair to periodically review the membership roster and confirm the interest of the Corresponding Members.

Extenuating Circumstances – The Executive Committee has the authority to override these guidelines, (including term limits and minimum service periods for eligibility for an appointment) when deemed to be in the best interests of IIAR.

Committee Chairs should review their rosters each year and submit revised rosters to the IIAR executive administrator on or before February 1 of each year. The final roster must indicate the chair, vice chair, voting members and corresponding members. All rosters will be forwarded to the Executive Committee prior to the February ExCom meeting.