IIAR Natural Refrigeration Conference &  Expo

The First Draft of your paper is due by September 1st,
The Final PowerPoint Presentation is due by January 1st,

The first draft of all IIAR Technical Papers is due by the middle of August in the year before it is to be presented. Submitting drafts after the required deadlines eliminates the opportunity to correct inaccurate data or for peer reviewers to reject the paper for cause.  If any technical paper is received past any of the published deadlines, the IIAR has the right to reject the paper.

The IIAR technical paper publishing schedule and process is as follows:

  1. IIAR Conference Committee reviews, rates, and approves proposals (May)
  2. IIAR Staff informs Authors of approval (May)
  3. Authors write and submit 1st drafts (both text and final graphics/Tables) to IIAR Staff (Mid-August)
  4. IIAR Peer Reviewers read and approve/approve conditionally/disapprove drafts. IIAR Staff comments on scope and content of drafts
  5. IIAR Staff compiles and sends all comments to Authors (October)
  6. Authors submit 2nd (or occasionally final) drafts to IIAR Staff (November)
  7. IIAR Technical Staff confirms that Peer Reviewer comments have been addressed (November)
  8. Steps 6, 7, and 8 may need to be repeated for some papers (November - January)
  9. IIAR contracts with Professional Editor, Layout, and Printing Specialists (December - January)
  10. Layout Specialist makes changes to unify papers visually within the Conference Proceedings (January-February)  
  11. Author approves final version of paper and delivers Power Point presentation to IIAR. Papers and presentations forwarded to translator (if applicable) (January-February)
  12. IIAR prepares copies of proceedings to be distributed at conference (March)