ANSI/IIAR CO2-2021 Safety Standard for Closed-Circuit Carbon Dioxide Refrigeration Systems

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As the phase-down of F-gas refrigerants continues to accelerate worldwide, CO2 technology has become an increasingly popular option utilized in the industrial refrigeration sector.

The IIAR, in it's continuing mission to promote the safe and sustainable use of natural refrigerants, has produced a new ANSI approved standard specifying minimum requirements for the safe design, safe installation, startup, and inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) of closed-circuit carbon dioxide refrigeration systems and any modifications or additions to an existing system.

IIAR standards represent industry consensus and are subject to a rigorous public review process.

Table of Contents

Part 1 General

Chapter 1: Purpose, Scope, and Applicability
Chapter 2: Definitions
Chapter 3: Reference Standards

Part 2 Design Consideration Affecting Construction

Chapter 4: Location of Refrigeration Equipment
Chapter 5: General System Design Requirements
Chapter 6: Machinery Rooms
Chapter 7: Refrigeration Equipment Located in Areas Other Than Machinery Rooms
Chapter 8: Carbon Dioxide Refrigeration Equipment
Chapter 9: Piping
Chapter 10: Valves
Chapter 11: Overpressure Protection Devices
Chapter 12: Instrumentation and Controls
Chapter 13: Refrigerant Detection and Alarms

Part 3 Installation

Chapter 14: Supervision of Installation
Chapter 15: Equipment Installation
Chapter 16: Pipe and Valve Installation
Chapter 17: Insulation
Chapter 18: Testing of Installation

Part 4 Startup of New Systems and Additions or Modifications to Existing Systems

Chapter 19: Pre-Charging Activities and Requirements
Chapter 20: Charging
Chapter 21: Startup Process

Part 5 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

Chapter 22: Inspection Testing and Maintenance

Part 6 Appendices

Appendix A. (Informative) Explanatory Material
Appendix B. (Informative) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Concentration Levels and Expected Effects on Human Health
Appendix C. (Informative) Avoiding Component Failure in Refrigeration Systems Cause by Abnormal Pressure or Shock
Appendix D. (Informative) Risk-based Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance
Appendix E. (Informative) References and Sources of References